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    10 Top Foods To Increase Testosterone [Beware of #3 Before Your Date!]

    Are you looking for the top foods to increase testosterone? If so, then you know that testosterone is important to every man. Maintaining high levels of it should be of utmost importance. As Sean Russell writes in his testosterone boost article, men typically have half the testosterone today than what they used to have 100 years ago! [1]

    The source of all manly powers, “testosterone is about vitality and virility,” says Dr. Malcolm Carruthers of Harley Street Centre for Men’s Health. “Men as young as 30 years old are now showing signs of low testosterone: reduced libido, brain fog, and fewer erections on waking,” he says. Since testosterone is produced in the testes, exercise, relaxation, and loose-fitting pants can help improve the situation [2].

    Top Foods To Increase Testosterone

    1. Oysters

    Oysters are famous for their zinc content, which may be beneficial in increasing the levels of testosterone. They are considered natural aphrodisiacs and according to a report from the National Institutes of Health, 3 ounces of oysters either breaded, cooked, or fried contain about 493 percent of the total recommended daily requirement of zinc for the body. [3]

    This seafood also contains N-methyl-D-aspartate and D-aspartic acid which may be beneficial in enhancing muscle growth, physical endurance, and sperm production. [4] In addition, a study conducted on the topic, found that fertile men have elevated levels of D-aspartic acid. [5]

    Other foods high in zinc include chicken liver, beef, crap, cereals, and pumpkin seeds. Zinc also helps with wound healing.

    2. Broccoli

    Increasing the number of cruciferous vegetables in your diet, which includes broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower, rids the body of excess estrogen, [6] thus allowing the increased production of testosterone. This is primarily because these vegetables contain a compound known as indoles. These compounds are also beneficial in preventing the growth and development of cancer cells. [7]

    As men age, the level of estrogen gradually increases while that of testosterone declines. Increased levels of estrogen in men may be accompanied by weakness, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction and much more. A study that looked into the relationship between indole-3-carbinol and estrogen levels in the body found that diets high in this compound led to increased excretion of estradiol (one of the most important estrogen hormones) in men and women by up to 50 percent. [8]

    Cruciferous vegetables are also high in fiber, which may help with weight control, and losing weight can also increase your body’s production of testosterone.

    3. Garlic

    Animal studies conducted at Japan’s Kobe Women’s University found that garlic boosts testosterone levels in one month when combined with a high-protein diet. [9] Garlic contains the chemical diallyl disulfide, which stimulates the body to release a hormone that kick-starts the production of testosterone. In addition, garlic contains allicin, a compound that lowers levels of the ‘stress hormone’ cortisol. Cortisol competes with testosterone for the same sites within muscle cells, according to research literature [10] .

    4. Bananas

    Bananas contain the enzyme bromelain, which some studies have found boosts a man’s libido. This fruit is also rich in B vitamins, such as riboflavin, which is essential for the manufacturing of testosterone. Pineapples are also rich in bromelain. [11]

    5. Brazil nuts

    Brazil nuts are high in magnesium, which helps raise testosterone levels. [12]  Another study found that older men who had low levels of magnesium had lower levels of testosterone than men who had the highest magnesium levels. [13]

    6. Eggs

    Eggs are rich in vitamin D, which is essential for optimal testosterone levels. One study found that men who were deficient in vitamin D had lower levels of testosterone and higher levels of estrogen than men who weren’t deficient. [14]  Although vitamin D supports the production of testosterone, researchers believe it also hampers a process in which testosterone is converted into estrogen in men (aromatization). Don’t worry about your heart. A University of Connecticut study found that subjects could eat three eggs a day without affecting cholesterol levels. [15]

    7. Tuna

    Tuna’s ‘fragrance’ may not be ideal for some individuals, but its vitamin D content is. This vitamin bolsters testosterone by up to 90%, as was found in a study at Graz Medical University, Austria. [16] It does this by slashing the levels of the libido-killing chemical called Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG). [17] One 3-ounce can of tuna contains 50% of your recommended daily allowance (RDA).

    8. Avocados

    Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels are significantly associated with lower testosterone levels and low LDL-C may also be responsible for erectile dysfunction. [18] Numerous researchers have found that men with higher intakes of monounsaturated fat – like avocado, nuts, and vegetable oils – had lower LDL-C and higher testosterone levels. [19] Try taking half a mashed avocado and spread it on a bagel, topped with shreds of smoked salmon as another one of your top foods to increase testosterone.

    9. Pomegranate

    Pomegranates have many health benefits when added to the diet. The seeds of this fruit contain vitamins A, and C, some B vitamins, and minerals such as calcium, potassium, and iron. These health benefits come from two compounds called punicalagins and punicic acid. [20] The International Journal of Impotence Research reports that 47% of impotent men found their condition improved after a daily glass of antioxidant-rich pomegranate juice. [21]

    10. Honey

    Honey contains the mineral boron and a compound called chrysin (Flavonoid) [22], which are linked to high testosterone levels. [23], [24], [25] Honey is also rich in nitric oxide: Which is key in opening up blood vessels that create erections. Four teaspoons of honey can boost nitric oxide levels by 50%.

    BONUS: 4 More Foods that Increase Testosterone

    11. Raisins

    Raisins are a rich source of boron and fructose. A moderate intake of fructose indirectly benefits testosterone levels by reducing the levels of SHBG in the body. [26] This is especially useful as SHBG inhibits the activities of testosterone by binding itself to the hormone but not to androgen receptors thus making it inactive. Fructose functions to reduce SHBG which in turn leads to increased bioavailability of testosterone in the body.

    Furthermore, raisins contain resveratrol which functions as an antioxidant. Studies conducted on the benefits of the compound have found that it may also be beneficial in reducing the levels of estrogen [27] as well as increasing the levels of testosterone [28] in the body.

    12. Argan Oil

    Argan oil has been studied for its numerous medicinal benefits. Recent studies now suggest that the oil extracted from the Moroccan argan tree kernel may be beneficial in increasing the levels of testosterone in the body.

    A study conducted on the benefits of this oil in Moroccan men found that it led to a significant increase in the level of testosterone in the participants. [29] The oil also contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may be useful in improving cardiovascular health, reducing inflammation, and treating skin infections. [30], [31]

    13. Mushrooms

    Mushrooms are another option to consider when searching for an amazing testosterone-boosting food. Many studies conducted on the benefits of this food, found that it contains anti-estrogenic properties. [32] Although there is no evidence to support the benefits of mushrooms for testosterone production, the reduction of estrogen will go a long way in enhancing the bioavailability of testosterone in the body.

    In addition, it contains phytochemicals that are useful in inhibiting the activities of aromatase enzymes that actively convert testosterone into estrogen. [33] Incorporating this superfood into your diet is beneficial not only for testosterone but also for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. [34]

    14. Cacao Beans

    Cacao beans are considered to be highly effective testosterone boosters. The benefits of this food are attributable to its antioxidant and anti-free radical properties. [35], [36] It is rich in testosterone-boosting compounds like zinc, iron, magnesium, and manganese. The healthy fat content of the food may also be beneficial for the increased production of testosterone.

    Cacao beans also contain enzymes and bacteria that may aid in digestion and increase metabolism. Regular intake of cacao, whether raw, roasted or puffed may improve blood pressure, cardiovascular health, as well as blood glucose levels. [37]

    If you are looking for the best way to increase your testosterone, try combining these top foods to increase testosterone with Tongkat Ali supplementation!

    Updated on November 21, 2023

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