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    Causes of Night Sweats in Men You Probably Didn’t Know About

    The regulation of sweating is complex. It involves both heat-regulating and non-heat-regulating mechanisms. Despite an extensive literature search on the physical mechanisms related to sweating in humans, researchers found only a few studies that examined the mechanisms associated with night sweats. [1] An additional problem is that the majority of all studies that review the causes of night sweats are related to hormonal changes in women or to a specific disease.

    Night sweats are not a usual worry among men. Even though we all have night sweats every now and then, when they occur consistently not only they can become a nuisance, but they could also be a symptom of another problem that could require medical attention. Here we have listed the most common causes of night sweats in men, and we bet some of those will come as a surprise!

    1. Environment

    This is perhaps the most obvious cause, but it needed to be mentioned away. Some men like to sleep in different ways. Some like to sleep in a warm room, while others like to sleep with warm clothes on or with many blankets. There are even studies that are underway to determine if your “comfortable air temperature”, called your thermal comfort zone (TCZ) can affect your body’s ability to regulate its core temperature, This is called your thermoneutral zone (TNZ). [2] If you are experiencing night sweats, the environment is the first cause that should be ruled out.

    2. Medications

    Certain medicines like acetaminophen, antidepressants, nitroglycerin antacids, insulin, and Viagra can cause night sweats as they interact with body fluids. If you are taking any prescription medications, check the label or ask your primary health provider about known side effects. [3]

    2. Medical Conditions

    Certain illnesses are known to cause night sweats. Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition in which a person has excessive sweating without any known cause (this can occur during the day and night). Other conditions such as infections, sleep apnea, anxiety disorders, cancer, cardiovascular disease, hormone disorders, HIV, and hypoglycemia can also cause night sweats. [4]

    3. Stress

    Stress is perhaps one of the most common causes of a night sweating. Stress accelerates your heartbeat, increases adrenaline and cortisol, and strains the normal functioning of the body. This state activates the nervous system to stimulate the production of sweat at night.

    Sweating helps to reduce core body temperature when it rises above certain limits or thresholds, called the thermoneutral zone (TNZ). Acute and chronic anxiety can increase the responsiveness of sweat glands. Conditions like this, which reduce the range (the difference between lower and upper limits) of the TNZ can result in the need for more frequent adjustments and therefore more frequent sweating. [5]

    4. Low Testosterone

    Men who sweat at night, even when it isn’t particularly warm, could have low testosterone levels, says Christopher Eden, consultant urologist at the Royal Surrey County Hospital. This shocking fact is still largely unknown to most men.

    Night sweats in men with testosterone deficiency are caused by the malfunctioning of the hypothalamus (the temperature control center in the brain). The hypothalamus receives false signals (caused by a hormonal imbalance) that the body is overheated, thus causing the body to react immediately to expel this non-existent excess heat.

    The low testosterone levels that are found in andropausal men are commonly the cause of the false signals sent to the hypothalamus. A study published in the Clinical Biochemistry journal looks at andropausal or age-related changes in free testosterone levels in healthy men. The study concluded that significant occurrences of andropausal changes among the study subjects had a direct effect on their free testosterone levels. [6]

    If you suspect that your testosterone levels are low, you may want to check one of the most powerful natural testosterone boosters tongkat ali.

    Tongkat Ali For Night Sweats

    Tongkat Ali is a natural option that may help diminish the number of night sweats that you are currently experiencing. This herb has been shown to increase testosterone levels in men of different ages who have low levels of testosterone. Tongkat ali may increase testosterone levels, but it is not a testosterone agonist (such as anabolic steroids). Instead, Tongkat Ali acts in the negative feedback system of the pituitary and hypothalamus glands, allowing a higher testosterone concentration before signaling the production cells to stop. Accordingly, Tongkat Ali induces your own body to produce more testosterone naturally.

    A recent study using rats has shown how Eurycoma longifolia jack root (Tongkat Ali) was able to significantly decrease serum leptin levels in relation to the rise in serum testosterone
    Levels. [7]

    Leptin is one of the hormones directly connected to body fat and obesity. This hormone is released from the fat cells located in adipose tissues, and it sends signals to the hypothalamus in the brain. Because it comes from fat cells, leptin amounts are directly connected to an individual’s body mass index (BMI). If the individual’s BMI increases, leptin levels will increase. If an individual’s BMI decreases, the leptin will decrease as well. [8]

    Research has shown that tongkat ali may have a positive effect on the hypothalamus by influencing the level of the hormone testosterone released, as well as the hormone leptin. It may have the ability to help increase testosterone levels and to help decrease leptin levels. So, as an added bonus, taking this herb on a regular basis may also help you decrease hunger while trying to decrease your BMI. It could be a great option for weight control in aging men.

    Herbolab Tongkat Ali

    Herbolab’s Tongkat Ali supplement may help to improve overall health and well-being. At Herbolab, we provide pure and genuine tongkat ali supplements that come straight from the jungle. We use a proprietary extraction technology that provides you with the highest standardized tongkat ali that includes active concentrations of eurycomanone. Eurycomanone is the highest concentrated bioactive compound (a component of plants that influence physiological or cellular activities in the animals or humans that consume them) in the root extract of Eurycoma longifolia.

    Our extract has been concentrated 200 times which means it takes 200 grams of Tongkat Ali to make 1 gram of the finished product. With a concentration of 200 to 1, it helps boost testosterone levels without side effects.

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    References   [ - ]



    Mold, J. W., Holtzclaw, B. J., & McCarthy, L. (2012). Night sweats: a systematic review of the literature. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 25(6), 878-893. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2012.06.120033



    Pallubinsky, H., Schellen, L., Kingma, B. R., & van Marken Lichtenbelt, W. D. (2015). Human thermoneutral zone and thermal comfort zone: Effects of mild heat acclimation. In Extreme Physiology & Medicine (Vol. 4, No. S1, p. A7). BioMed Central. Retrieved from



    Orrange, S. (2018). Is Your Medication Making You Sweat? — 10 Drugs That Cause Excessive Sweating as a Side Effect. GoodRx. Retrieved from



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    Saleh, B. O., & Majeed, M. J. (2015). Andropause phenomenon by measurement of serum free testosterone concentration in Iraqi healthy men. Maturitas, 81(1), 209.



    Faisal, G. G., Haque, M., Najmuldeen, G. F., Al-Ahmad, B. E., Radeef, A. S., & Alattraqchi, A. G. (2017). Changes in leptin in relation to increased testosterone levels associated with Eurycoma longifolia jack (tongkat ali) root extract consumption in male rats. Journal of Young Pharmacists, 9(1), 40. Retrieved from



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