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EXPIRATION SALE: Tongkat Ali & Korean Ginseng - Buy 1 Get 1 Free

    Tongkat Ali
    Tongkat Ali
    Tongkat Ali
    Tongkat Ali
    Tongkat Ali
    Tongkat Ali
    Tongkat Ali
    Tongkat Ali

    Tongkat Ali

    2,587 Reviews

    Supports healthy testosterone levels to promote sexual health, muscle mass, strength, and better mood*†.


    Expiration Sale: Add 2 to your cart and 1 is free.
    Product Expires June 2nd

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    Discover Why Herbolab Is the Tongkat Ali Expert

    Since 2013, 8,734 men like you are already using our tongkat ali.

    What Is Tongkat Ali?

    Tongkat Ali is a plant native to a few countries in South-East Asia including Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. It is grown in smaller quantities in Laos, Vietnam, and India. The plant also referred to as Eurycoma longifolia, Pasak Bumi, or long jack is a tall medicinal plant traditionally used in these regions for its aphrodisiac, anti-estrogen and pro-erectile benefits.

    Testosterone levels of men have been decreasing for decades. And while it has been generally believed that Testosterone production naturally declines with age, research on this topic shows that the decline in testosterone with age is the result (not the consequence) of deteriorating health. This research shows that age alone does not cause testosterone levels to drop and points to the fact by improving your health through the right lifestyle and nutrition, you could improve your testosterone levels.

    Discover the Benefits of Tongkat Ali

    Supports Sexual Health*

    Research shows that tongkat ali may have a positive effect on erection, libido and sperm quality. *†

    Increase Muscle Mass and Strength*

    Testosterone has been shown to increase strength and muscle mass and reduce body fat. *† Early studies show that tongkat ali might help increase muscle mass and power output when paired with adequate exercise. *†

    Improve Your Mood*

    Scientific studies indicate that daily supplementation with tongkat ali root extract can improve stress hormone profile and certain mood state parameters. This suggests that this “ancient” remedy may be an effective approach to shielding the body from the detrimental effects of “modern” chronic stress, including general day-to-day stress, as well as the stress of dieting, sleep deprivation, and exercise training. *†

    We Are One Of the Few Companies Selling Standardized Tongkat AliMore Reliable Than Extract Ratios Such as 200:1

    Tongkat ali products are popular worldwide, however, the number of counterfeit tongkat ali products on the market is staggering. A 2015 study conducted in Malaysia analyzed major tongkat ali brands and discovered that a shocking 41% of products did not contain any tongkat ali at all. A ratio such as 50:1, 100:1 and 200:1 can’t actually be verified, anyone can claim to have concentrated tongkat ali without offering any proof.

    Luckily, tongkat ali studies have shed some light on the active components of tongkat ali. One of such components, namely Eurycomanone, has been linked to several of tongkat ali benefits. Eurycomanone can be identified and quantified by a lab technique called HPLC, opening a new era for tongkat ali products: standardized tongkat ali extract. By measuring Eurycomanone, you are guaranteed to get the real thing. Learn more about why you should only buy standardized tongkat ali.

    Tongkat Ali FAQ


    1. Rehman, S. U., Choe, K., & Yoo, H. H. (2016). Review on a Traditional Herbal Medicine, Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Tongkat Ali): Its Traditional Uses, Chemistry, Evidence-Based Pharmacology and Toxicology. Molecules, 10;21(3):331. doi: 10.3390/molecules21030331
    2. Anawalt, B. D., & Page, S. T. (2016). Testosterone and the brain: the power of a negative study. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 4(8), 632-633.
    3. Liu, Z., Liu, J., Shi, X., Wang, L., Yang, Y., & Tao, M. (2015). Dynamic alteration of serum testosterone with aging: a cross-sectional study from Shanghai, China. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 13(1), 111.
    4. Udani, J. K., George, A. A., Musthapa, M., Pakdaman, M. N., & Abas, A. (2014). Effects of a proprietary freeze-dried water extract of Eurycoma longifolia (Physta) and Polygonum minus on sexual performance and well-being in men: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2014, Article ID 179529, 10 pages.
    5. Yusof, S. M., Zakaria, Z., Karim, A. A. H., Aiman, S., & Kadir, Z. (2016). Enhancement Effects of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia) Supplementation on Performance Functions Following Strength Training in Middle-Aged Women. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Colloquium on Sports Science, Exercise, Engineering and Technology 2015 (ICoSSEET 2015) (pp. 3-13). Springer, Singapore.
    6. Talbott, S., Talbott, J., George, A., & Pugh, M. (2013). Effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects. Journal Of The International Society Of Sports Nutrition, 10(1), 28. doi: 10.1186/1550-2783-10-28
    7. Phytopharmaceutical Aspect Of Freeze-Dried Water Extract From Tongkat Ali Roots (MS 2409:2011). Malaysia: Scientific and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia. 2011. Retrieved 2016-08-17
    8. Talbott, S., Talbott, J., George, A., & Pugh, M. (2013). Effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects. Journal Of The International Society Of Sports Nutrition, 10(1), 28
    9. Ulbricht, C., Conquer, J., Flanagan, K., Isaac, R., Rusie, E., & Windsor, R. C. (2013). An evidence-based systematic review of tongkat ali (Eurycoma longifolia) by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 10(1), 54-83.