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    Easy to Implement Natural Practices to Improve Brain Health

    Age and lifestyle are both proven to have a huge impact on brain health.

    Your diet, daily activities, and even the way you socialize all contribute to the wellness of your brain.

    Aging, without a doubt, is inevitable. But it doesn’t need to have a drastic impact on your brain health.

    Are you feeling the effects of aging or poor lifestyle choices?

    If so, you can start with these easy and natural practices that can support a healthy brain.

    Top Three Ways To Naturally Improve Brain Health

    Keeping your brain healthy and taking good care of it is pretty easy to do. You can improve your brain health and performance through simple lifestyle changes.

    Below are three natural ways to improve your brain health that you can start to put in place today:

    • Implementing a workout regimen
    • Change to a brain health-focused diet
    • Taking supplements that support a healthy brain

    Exercise Builds Brain Health

    Staying active, without a doubt, has many health benefits. Aside from aesthetic changes, exercising also helps in keeping a healthy brain.

    Working out helps in reducing cognitive decline. Among its major benefits are reducing inflammation and insulin resistance. It can also stimulate the release of growth factors in the brain.[1]

    Exercising itself also improves mood and sleep.[2]

    Both of these factors are important in physical and mental health.

    For one, getting enough sleep helps the brain function well. It recharges the brain and sets you in a good mood for the next day.[3]

    Getting a good night’s sleep also aids in repairing the heart and blood vessels. It lessens the risk of obesity and the development of cardiovascular diseases.[4]

    Working out also reduces stress and anxiety. This is yet again important as these psychiatric conditions affect mortality. In the US alone, anxiety disorders affect about 29% of the population.[5]

    Walking and Brain Health

    Walking is great for a healthy brain. In fact, even low-impact physical activities can reduce the risk of cognitive decline. A walk as short as ten minutes is effective in this manner.[6]

    Moreover, walking also has a positive impact when it comes to creative thinking.[7]

    Running and Brain Health

    Running is a physical activity that can also stimulate the brain in positive ways. This is one of the main reasons why running and brain health are also correlated.

    Running is beneficial to the brain as it increases an activity called “neurogenesis.” Neurogenesis happens in an area in the brain that is important for memory.[8]

    This has an impact that can support a healthy brain and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

    Improve Your Brain Health and Performance With These Brain-Healthy Foods

    You are what you eat, and the same thing applies to your brain. Keeping a brain-healthy diet is beneficial both to your brain’s health and performance.

    Below are some of the foods that promote brain health.

    Fatty fish

    Eating fatty fish is a no-brainer when it comes to foods that boost brain performance. Salmon, trout, and sardines are among the fatty fish that you can add to your diet.

    Fatty fish is also known to be a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. These are compounds that are beneficial to your brain.

    The brain itself is about 60% fat, and half of that fat is omega-3. Your central nervous system uses this type of fatty acid to build and replenish brain cells.[9]

    Here are 3 ways omega-3 supports a healthy brain:

    •  A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can slow down cognitive decline as it relates to aging.[10]
    • A diet that is rich in omega-3 can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.[11]
    • Omega-3 fatty acids can also prevent early-onset dementia.[12]


    Turmeric is among the superfoods for brain health.

    A deep-yellow colored spice, Turmeric is the key ingredient found in curry powder.

    The relationship between turmeric and a healthy brain comes down to one active ingredient. This active ingredient is curcumin which has many benefits to brain health.

    Curcumin has the ability to improve brain health in different ways. It has the ability to help improve memory and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.[13]

    Studies show its ability to ease depression. It works by boosting both the serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain.[14] [15]


    Nuts are among the top brain-healthy foods that you can add to your diet.

    Here are 3 ways nuts are good for your brain:

    • Research shows that eating nuts can improve cognition, even in older adults.[16]
    • Nuts also promote a healthy heart.[17]
    • Moreover, they may prevent the development of neurodegenerative diseases.[18]

    Nuts are rich in vitamin E, antioxidants, and healthy fats. No wonder they became one of the top go-to superfoods for brain health.


    Coffee, without a doubt, is a big part of many people’s breakfast. A decent number of the population grabs a cup or two of this drink to kick-start their morning.

    If you happen to be a coffee person, then here is some good news. Coffee is full of antioxidants and a good amount of caffeine.

    Both antioxidants and caffeine may have positive impacts on your brain. Several studies show a positive relationship between caffeine and brain health.

    For instance, caffeine increases alertness and blocks adenosine. Adenosine is a chemical that can make you feel lethargic and sleepy.[19][20][21]

    Studies also show that caffeine may improve your mood by boosting serotonin levels. Serotonin itself is a “feel-good” neurotransmitter found in the brain.[22]

    Moreover, drinking coffee relates to the following benefits:

    • It may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.[23]
    • It’s neuroprotective, meaning it may prevent the development of Parkinson’s disease.[24]

    Dark Chocolate

    Flavonoids are brain-boosting compounds found in dark chocolate. On top of that, caffeine and antioxidants are also present in this semi-sweet treat. These compounds are all known to benefit cognitive health.

    At a closer look, flavonoids are a group of antioxidants found in plants. These compounds may have the ability to enhance memory.[25]

    Flavonoids may also lessen the risk of cognitive decline associated with aging. A trial on animals showed that a flavonol in dark chocolate may enhance memory.[26]

    Additionally, consuming dark chocolate may improve the ability to perform mental tasks. Research shows that chocolate intake has beneficial effects on neurocognition and behavior. Further research may help to explain the correlation between flavonoids and cognition.[27]

    Dark chocolate is also believed to be an effective mood booster. This is a well known anecdotal belief. A trial rationalized this connection between dark chocolate and mood. It showed that those who consumed dark chocolate improved their moods.[28]


    Blueberries are a fruit treat that you can add to your diet for better brain health. These berries are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds called anthocyanins.

    Anthocyanins have neuroprotective properties. [29]

     They keep the central nervous system from developing diseases and cognitive decline.

    Additionally, the antioxidants found in blueberries may act against oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is an imbalance of antioxidants and free radicals in the body. They can cause cell and tissue damage.

    Fighting oxidative stress may help improve brain cell activities.[30]

    It may also improve memory and prevent short-term memory loss.[31]

    Improve Cognitive Function With the Help of These Brain Health Supplements

    Sometimes, the food we take does not provide enough nutrients to nurture the brain. That said, you can boost your cognitive wellness with supplements.

    Try the following vitamins and minerals for brain health.


    Ashwagandha is a plant that goes by the scientific name Withania somnifera. Also known as Indian ginseng, it is a plant that originates from the Solanaceae family.

    Ashwagandha is a popular medicinal remedy used in Ayurvedic medicine. As a vitamin for brain health, it works as a great stress reliever.

    Research shows that this herb can reduce symptoms associated with stress and anxiety. It works by blocking the stress pathway in the brain cells.[32]

    Ashwagandha can also help relieve the symptoms of depression. In a study conducted on 64 stressed adults, 600mg of ashwagandha showed good results. The herb was able to reduce severe depression by 79%.[33]

    In another study, 500mg delivered a significant improvement in memory and brain performance.[34]


    Huperzine-A is another rising herbal extract used for healthy brain benefits.

    It acts as an inhibitor of an enzyme that blocks the breakdown of neurotransmitters in the body. These neurotransmitters have vital roles in the nervous system.

    In simpler words, Huperzine-A acts as an effective cognitive stimulator.[35]

    This extract is also essential when it comes to cognitive function and learning. Huperzine-A is among the most common ingredients found in nootropics. It has the ability to stimulate neurotransmitters in the brain. [36]

    Huperzine-A is also known to be therapeutic. People who suffer from early-onset Alzheimer’s may find relief from this extract.[37]

    Moreover, this herbal extract works to reduce brain cell death and soothe dementia. [38]


    Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a natural amino acid found in the body. This amino acid is more commonly known as L-carnitine.

    L-carnitine became popular as a product marketed toward weight loss. Yet, it may also benefit the brain by improving memory and alertness. [39]

    This amino acid may also help people with mild dementia and Alzheimer’s.[40]

    Another benefit of Acetyl-L-Carnitine is that it links to mitochondria.

    Mitochondria’s role is to provide energy to the cells. They are responsible for general cell function.

    Mitochondrial decay is an inevitable process that comes as we age. It contributes to aging, memory loss, and cognitive decline.

    Supplementing on Acetyl-L-Carnitine can delay this process.[41]


    Creatine is another natural substance found in the body. It plays a key role in energy metabolism.

    You can find creatine in large amounts in the muscles.  It is also present in the brain though in smaller amounts. It is a popular natural supplement that is also present in foods, such as meat, eggs, and fish.

    Aside from aiding in muscle build-up, creatine can also help with brain health. This substance may influence brain function and promote better memory.[42]

    Tongkat Ali

    Tongkat Aliis an herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Native to the soils of Southeast Asia, this herb receives praise for its health benefits.

    Tongkat ali is popular for its possible effects on male virility and vitality. It is also used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a cure for fever and other illnesses.

    Tongkat ali may benefit the brain by reducing stress and anxiety.[43]

    The components of this herb work by reducing cortisol.[44] And as a result, this may help the brain function better.

    And speaking of stress, chronic stress may affect the prefrontal cortex.[45]

    It is the area of the brain responsible for memory and learning.[46]Tongkat ali is a natural remedy that may soothe the symptoms of chronic stress.[47]


    Maca is an herb native to Peru. Its roots are often used in traditional Peruvian medicine, providing relief to illnesses.

    Maca contains high amounts of antioxidants. These antioxidants may work together to reduce oxidative stress.[48]

    The brain is vulnerable to oxidative stress as the brain cells need a good amount of oxygen.[49]

    Oxidative stress may encourage excess free radicals to damage existing brain cells. It may even lead to cell death. This may increase the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.[50]

    Maca may also have neuroprotective properties.[51]

    Korean Red Ginseng

    Known as the truest of all ginseng, Korean red ginseng is a staple in Asian Traditional Medicine. It also goes by the name Panax ginseng.

    Korean red ginseng is popular for its wide array of health benefits. It may have the ability to treat a variety of illnesses, including cancer.[52]

    Korean red ginseng is also famous for its effects on the immune system and sexual health. The male population, especially, may find benefits from this herb[53]

    When it comes to brain health, Korean red ginseng may impose benefits. In fact, one study showed that consumption of the herb may lead to better cognitive health in later years.[54]


    Aging and cognitive decline are two correlated factors. It’s a reflection of how the human body works over our lifetime.

    But your brain health doesn’t have to suffer only because you’re aging. Simple lifestyle changes and a healthier diet can make the biggest impact on your body. Taking the right supplements may also be an effective way to improve the health of your brain.

    So stay informed and never hesitate to learn more about health. Because at the end of the day, only you can take full care of yourself.

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