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    The Surprising Truth About ‘Normal’ Testosterone Levels

    The Surprising Truth About ‘Normal’ Testosterone Levels

    Testosterone problems is actually more common than we would like them to be. And that is in fact quite unfortunate knowing for a fact that low testosterone levels sometimes mean life-threatening risks when they are not affecting your sexual life, your mood, and general well-being. [1] Yes, testosterone is quite the important hormone responsible for a lot more than just your libido and sexual stamina, and that is why we want to draw as much attention as possible to the serious condition that low T levels represent.

    That is why today we decided to talk about everything that you need to know about normal testosterone levels, low testosterone levels – their causes and symptoms, and most importantly the ways that you can prevent low T levels from occurring and all of their symptoms from the impact of your general health. Let’s start, shall we?

    Covering the Basics

    Are you trying to figure out what the normal testosterone levels in men are? Well, it’s not as easy as they should be between X and Y.

    Many men have succumbed to the idea that their overall health is entirely dictated by the levels of various chemicals in their bodies and how they manage those chemicals. This is true to some extent, as men with dangerously high blood pressure most certainly should seek medical intervention or risk serious damage.

    However, for others, much more menial levels of chemicals seem to dictate their perception of health. This is especially true when we discuss things like testosterone.

    The problem with testosterone, as most men perceive it, is that there is really no such thing as normal testosterone levels of it within the body. Even if we ignore the fact that every person is different both in their composition and in their body’s needs, we see that not every man can function at what would medically be considered a “normal” level of testosterone.

    With that in mind, we’re left with two options: either a majority of men aren’t operating at peak efficiency and could be with the right supplements, or every man requires a different level of testosterone in their body to be functioning at their peak.

    Which option is it?

    The short answer is both. Before we get into why…

    Do You Think You Have Low Testosterone?

    If so, we have developed a short test that will help you figure out if your testosterone is good, declining, or low. Answer a few short questions and get your result and some actionable advice you can implement to either maintain your testosterone levels if good or improve them if they’re declining or bad.

    Testosterone – What is There to Know About it?

    Let us ask you this – what is Testosterone? Testosterone is the term being used to refer to one of the most essential hormones found in the human body, as well as in some animals. People often make the mistake of believing that testosterone is only present in men when in fact testosterone is present in women as well, although in much smaller amounts as compared with men.

    After all, testosterone is the main reproductive hormone in men. It is produced in the testicles, and its production especially increases during the days of puberty.

    Although testosterone is mainly linked to the man’s reproductive health – including sperm quality, sperm count, libido, sexual stamina, etc., it is vital for maintaining and building healthy muscle mass, bone mass, red cell production, mood, and so on. Unfortunately, there are way too many things that can go wrong when it comes to testosterone production, things that cause serious symptoms and complications to develop.

    Today, we want to focus on one very specific problem – low testosterone levels, a problem that affects more aspects of your life than you would think. A problem that requires immediate attention and treatment for the purpose of maintaining a long and healthy life.

    Low Testosterone Levels – its Cause, Symptoms, and How to Treat it

    Unfortunately, low testosterone levels are more prevalent than they should be, with that posing as a serious health issue for men worldwide. There could be numerous reasons that are causing your testosterone levels to decrease with hypogonadism being one of the most common ones. Chronic diseases and stress are also quite the common causes of low testosterone levels, including kidney disease, alcoholism, AIDS, injury to the testicles, chemotherapy, and radiation among many others.

    Testosterone levels normally drop with the aging process that takes place in every human being’s life. Besides multiple causes, low testosterone levels have multiple symptoms as well including low sex drive, depression, erectile dysfunction, irritability and mood changes, loss of muscle mass, sleep problems, obesity, and so on. [2], [3] The thing is that when it comes to such a serious problem that is linked to high-risk complications, it is important to act in time, recognize the problem and treat it properly.

    Low testosterone levels are linked to a higher risk of osteoporosis, impotence, depression, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes, as the most common ones. [4] Low testosterone levels are usually treated with the use of testosterone replacement therapy, but lifestyle changes are also highly recommended for these patients. [5]

    How to Naturally Increase Your Testosterone Levels?

    Increasing your testosterone levels is not a hard thing to do if you do it the right way and that means choosing the right, effective methods for you. We recommend our readers to ask for help as soon as they notice the first signs of low T levels which we have spoken not so long ago in this article. As soon as your doctor determines the cause behind the problem, he/she can work on determining the right treatment methods to eliminate the cause, and with that the symptoms. But you are not supposed to sit around and wait for that to happen. No, no. We advise you to look into some of the best natural ways to increase your testosterone levels. A healthy diet, herbal supplements, and regular exercise have been found to serve as quite effective natural treatments for low testosterone levels. [6]

    Testosterone supplements and testosterone boosters are quite beneficial as well. There is quite a variety of testosterone boosters available on the market. We recommend doing extensive research before you choose the right testosterone booster for you. You can start by improving your diet. Include more foods such as tuna, oysters, beans, beef, and shellfish in your daily diet, as well as all of the essential vitamins and minerals. Next in line is regular physical activity. Weight lifting, running, jogging, as well as, fitness exercises that are bound to increase testosterone levels – bench press, pushups, deadlifts, squats, and pull-ups. And then we have the good old testosterone boosters.

    Offered by a variety of brands, today you can find millions of different types of testosterone supplements in the market and online. And we advise you to start off by finding a good Tongkat Ali supplement. Do you wonder what that is? Let’s do a quick review, shall we?

    What do you need to know about Tongkat Ali?

    Tongkat Ali is a special herbal supplement whose existence you simply have to know about. You might have heard people referring to Tongkat Ali as Nature’s Viagra, and for a good reason, that is. Tongkat Ali has quite powerful aphrodisiac abilities, and it is best known for its ability to not only enhance testosterone production and improve the man’s libido but also, to treat any erectile dysfunction problems, problems linked with the fertility in men and their sexual performance.

    By treating the low T problems and improving the man’s sexual experience, Tongkat Ali also focuses on reducing and treating the risks that come with low testosterone levels – improving well-being, reducing anxiety and stress, promoting bone formation, and increasing muscle mass and strength.

    But that is not all – Tongkat Ali also has antioxidative, anticancer, antiulcer, and antifungal effects that must not be forgotten about. Tongkat Ali might be Nature’s best testosterone booster out there! We warmly recommend you look into the option that is using Tongkat Ali to treat your low testosterone levels and with that improve your mental and physical health in general, not only your T levels. Use this great testosterone booster to increase the levels of free testosterone in your body, improve your libido, free your body from stress and improve your health and life altogether!

    Tongkat Ali’s Role In Normal Testosterone Levels

    There have been quite a few studies and scientific research about the use of Tongkat Ali in the prevention and treatment of testosterone problems in men. From low testosterone levels to Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction, Tongkat Ali is the natural supplement that has the potential to treat all of them and much more!

    The main concept of this article is taken from a study found in the Andrologia Journal in May 2012. While that isn’t necessarily the most recent study, the results are definitely important and do inform a far more comprehensive understanding of the role that Tongkat Ali plays in the balance of male testosterone levels and the implications of that understanding. The study specifically deals with testing Tongkat Ali on men with late-onset hypogonadism, the condition that causes a drop in testosterone levels in men. [7] However, in order to define or diagnose hypogonadism, a physician needs a grasp of where “normal” levels are to determine that the man in question is not operating at or above them.

    First, some background: testosterone in men is generally measured in terms of nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). Relatively speaking, there is never an awful lot of testosterone flowing through the body anyway, then, since there are other equally as important or more important chemicals that the body needs to ensure are operating properly as well. In addition, the overall decline in these levels over time is simply a part of the aging process, and there is very little that can be safely done to halt it altogether. However, the rate of this decline may be slowed down immensely with certain supplements, such as Tongkat Ali.

    In another study published in the Phytotherapy Research, the effects of Tongkat Ali to increase the levels of free testosterone in both physically active men and women were investigated. What the research found out is that not only was Tongkat Ali able to effectively increase the levels of free testosterone in the body, but it was also able to increase muscle strength in both the male and female participants.

    What Are Normal Testosterone Levels For Men?

    So what about “normal” testosterone levels? As we said earlier, “normal” is a pretty relative term. What is normal for one man is not necessarily normal for the next, and so on. Testosterone levels differ according to the age, health condition, and well-being of the man, with age being the most important factor in this case. If you remember, we already mentioned that as a man grows older and older, his testosterone levels start to decline, so what was once thought to be a normal testosterone level in a 20-year-old man, is not normal for a man of the age of 50 or 60. However, doctors and researchers worldwide have determined a light range for normal testosterone levels in men.

    Modern medical practitioners define this range as being anywhere from 300 ng/dL to 1050 ng/dL. As you can probably tell, that’s a pretty steep range of “normal” levels, and there’s a reason for that. First and foremost, these levels do change based not only on diet and lifestyle but also based on age. Normal for each individual really should be looked at in terms of a range or spectrum, a sort of average over the course of a few months to a year to determine where these levels tend to fall on average based on the things we mentioned above. This method is certainly the growing medical consensus, which goes a long way in better understanding testosterone levels as a whole.

    As for the study, the entire averaging process didn’t particularly concern them, as they looked exclusively at men who had already been diagnosed with late-onset hypogonadism. This certainly saved the researchers a lot of time and stress but also allowed them the ability to very clearly determine if the introduction of the study stimulus, the water-soluble Tongkat Ali extract, had any effect on their testosterone levels. The study itself lasted only one month, and in that time, the team managed to see some pretty serious results.

    Results of the Study on Testosterone

    So what did they find? Well, out of the entire study group, 76 men in total, between 77 and 91 percent of the participants showed an increase in their testosterone levels that was significant enough to bring them back into this “normal” range. The implication for Tongkat Ali usage, therefore, is that it has been demonstrated scientifically and empirically that it does boost testosterone in a very meaningful way. By extension, it has been shown to be a very good potential treatment for late-onset hypogonadism.

    Another study that investigated the effects of Tongkat Ali on Erectile dysfunction is worth mentioning as well. As you may know, Erectile dysfunction is considered to be the most common sexual problem among men. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by various factors including stress, depression, obesity, diabetes, and many other causes with low testosterone levels being the most common one. Erectile dysfunction is one of those problems that you would like to treat as soon as possible, thinking about how it affects your sexual health. For the purposes of the research, two separate studies involving 139 participants were analyzed. The research found and confirmed the use of Tongkat Ali may be beneficial in cases of Erectile dysfunction.

    Now let’s get back to the main concept presented in this blog post. The study tells us something far more interesting than the fact that the Tongkat Ali extract proved effective in treating men with late-onset hypogonadism; namely, it tells us that for these men to reenter “normal” testosterone level ranges, they didn’t necessarily all have to hit the same point. The physicians that diagnosed them with hypogonadism initially knew their levels well enough to make this assertion and thus knew where the threshold for “normal” was with respect to these individual men.

    With all that in mind, what can we assume? As a start, we can safely say that it takes medical testing to determine both where your normal testosterone levels are and if you have dipped below them. Beyond this, we know that for each man, “normal” will be a little bit different, and as such, determining high and low levels will all be subjective. The third thing we can assume, based directly on the study results themselves, is that Tongkat Ali is a supplement worth considering if you have determined that you are trending on the low side with your testosterone levels, or if you have been officially diagnosed with hypogonadism. [8]

    For more information on this supplement and its many functions, read our Ultimate Tongkat Ali Guide.


    With testosterone being the main reproductive hormone in men, that simply means that we are talking about a hormone of great importance. A hormone whose levels naturally drop with the aging process in all men, especially after the age of 30. A drop that can even put your life in danger if you do not control it. We are talking about one very specific problem that we have in mind – low T levels that affect more aspects of your life than you would think.

    Causing various different symptoms, this very specific health issue is known to endanger the life of the man as we know it by increasing the risk of conditions such as depression, diabetes, coronary heart disease, and high blood pressure. That makes it a problem that you need to treat as soon as possible and do everything that is in your power to maintain your normal testosterone levels. But is there really something like normal testosterone levels? Although quite undefined, there is some range of testosterone levels that are considered to be normal.

    You just have to make an effort to find out what is it that will help you maintain your testosterone levels within that range and prevent low testosterone levels from occurring in your body. And we have one quite powerful agent that may help you with that certain mission – Tongkat Ali. We do hope that you have all the information that you need to make the necessary steps toward improving your life and testosterone levels! All of these issues and much more have been spoken of in today’s article, and we hope that you had been reading with lots of attention! For more information on this supplement and its many functions, read our Ultimate Tongkat Ali Guide.

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    References   [ - ]


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    Tambi, M. I., Imran, M. K., & Henkel, R. R. (2012). Standardized water-soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia, Tongkat Ali, as a testosterone booster for managing men with late-onset hypogonadism? Andrologia, 44 Suppl 1:226-30. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0272.2011.01168.x