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    Low Testosterone Causes Problems in Relationships

    Low Testosterone Causes Problems in Relationships

    A lot of men don’t realize it but low testosterone causes problems in relationships. Low “T” is NOT a ¨HE¨ problem. It’s a ¨WE¨ problem.

    When we talk about low testosterone, men always seem to be in the limelight. But in reality, the sex life, in general, takes a huge hit for both the partners involved! Testosterone is a sex hormone that is responsible for a man’s overall energy and mood levels. Lower testosterone not only decreases his sexual drive but also takes a toll on his emotional levels. As a result, the relationship of a couple goes through a rollercoaster of ups and downs.

    Let’s dive in and learn more about low testosterone, the signs to look for, how it affects your relationship with your partner, and ways you can help to increase it.

    What Are Testosterone and the Role it Plays in Men’s Health?

    Testosterone is an androgen or basically a male sex hormone that is responsible for the development of male attributes. It is crucial for fueling the sex drive and for building muscle mass.

    It is primarily produced by the testicles and plays a key role in several male attributes like sperm productivity, male libido, body hair, sperm production, and its motility. This hormone regulates a man’s fat distribution and also maintains bone density. [1]

    Testosterone peaks during adolescence and naturally declines after the age of thirty. While the normal levels start to drop with age, low testosterone may also relate to a serious medical condition.

    What is a Normal Testosterone Level?

    The normal array of testosterone lies within 300 ng/dL and 1050 ng/dL. But as the levels start declining with age, they can easily fall below the range.

    The levels above or below the normal range are considered to be out of balance. [2]

    What Are the Common Causes of Low Testosterone?

    Studies show that from the age of forty, the levels of testosterone start declining in males by 1% every year. [3].

    The process of testosterone production is a complex chain of actions that is regulated by a small area of the brain called the hypothalamus. It regulates the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which in turn, stimulates the pituitary to form luteinizing hormone (LH). Luteinizing hormone is responsible for regulating the Leydig cells (located in the testes) to produce testosterone.

    Testosterone is secreted at adult levels during three phases of male life: off and on during the first trimester of intrauterine life (masculine genital tract development), during early neonatal life as the perinatal androgen surge (unknown reason), and continually after puberty to maintain virility. [4]

    As men age, the process becomes slower, and the majority of testosterone gets excreted by the kidneys. It’s not just the slow production process of testosterone that causes low ‘T,’ but diseases like diabetes, hypogonadism, obesity, and low thyroid function are also related to the decrease in testosterone levels.

    Major Testosterone Killers

    Certain food items are known to lower the testosterone levels in the body. Products with Glycyrrhizic acids and licorice are the most likely food items that kill the “T” levels.

    High consumption of processed food and excessive alcohol consumption also leads to a decline in testosterone levels. Inappropriate lifestyle choices such as poor sleeping habits, high nicotine intake, and exposure to stressful conditions also lower testosterone levels.

    You can read more here about testosterone killers.

    Signs of Low Testosterone

    Low testosterone is a condition where the body does not produce enough hormones and it causes various symptoms like decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, fat/weight gain, balding, and infertility.

    Some people relate low testosterone levels with being cranky or tired, but there are many more signs that are associated with it. They can include:

    • Sleep Disturbances
    • Depression
    • Brain Fog
    • Persistent Fatigue
    • Decreased Libido
    • Erectile Dysfunction

    Side-Effects of Low “T” in Men

    Dropping levels of testosterone will not merely cause a sexual problem but can also be associated with mood swings, weight gain, and poor concentration level. These conditions are usually overlooked.

    Other effects of low “T” include reduced sex drive, muscle weakness, depression, hair loss, loss of muscle mass, erectile difficulties, low semen volume, and redistribution of body fat. [5]

    How Does a Man’s Low “T” Affect a Woman?

    If your guy feels exhausted all the time, his sex drive is diminishing, or perhaps he is losing focus on work, then low testosterone may be to blame.

    It is normal for a man to have low testosterone production but it usually results in low libido, erectile dysfunction, and lack of sex drive. This vital male hormone also impacts the psyche, which resultantly affects his energy and mood levels. [6]

    How Does Low “T” Affects Relationships?

    Men with low testosterone are often found to be depressed, anxious, and easily irritated. Studies show that although the partners are sexually desirable, men with low testosterone are not able to initiate sexual interactions. [7]

    The mood changes and sexual difficulties start affecting both the people in a relationship. Low “T” affects every aspect of your life and here is how it affects your relationship. [8]

    Difficulty in Concentrating

    Low testosterone levels can lead to a lack of concentration. Maybe you require help with a DIY project for the weekend or assistance with some house chores, but a lack of attention causes frustration and the both of you end up having unwanted arguments. [9]

    Decreased Sex Drive

    If your partner has a low sex drive, it’s normal to feel unwanted, rejected, and confused. Insecurities can distance you from your partner and can also get you both upset about the smallest of things. [10]

    Increased Irritability

    Low “T” can cause men to feel depressed and more irritable. They might have less motivation to socialize or work together which may lead to fights in your relationship.

    Tips For Coping With The Intimacy Issues

    Many couples face this challenge but fail! The reason you ask?

    1. Communication

    Most couples fail to communicate openly about their sexual needs. A sexual challenge is an incredibly difficult topic of discussion for a man. A lot of egos is wrapped in a man’s ability to fulfill his partner’s sexual needs and hence talking about the same might feel ego-crushing to some. [11].

    As a spouse, you need to understand what low testosterone means and how it affects your man. Arming yourself with this knowledge will not only make the conversation easier but will also help you stay positive and work towards a journey that would truly strengthen the marital bond.

    Read more here about low testosterone.

    2. The Stress of Being a “Man.”

    Many women claim that men have it much easier in life, but do they really?

    Men pride themselves on being the Prince Charming to our fantasies, The Hercules of all the heavy lifting, and even a psychiatrist at times. With all roles and responsibilities bestowed on men, there is minimal space for showing any kind of weakness or emotions.

    Furthermore, many men are taught from a young age, that virility is everything. So, when their ability to please and satisfy is impaired, it is very difficult, both emotionally and mentally. The stress and anxiety of failing in the bedroom become a question of their manliness.

    3. Me Before You

    When our sexual lives go downhill, we may start feeling neglected sexually and emotionally. Overwhelmed by the sudden detachment and flooded by feelings of rejection, we are shaken at a personal level. This silence can start eating into your marriage. Often we put our needs and emotions first and fail to understand what our spouses might be going through. Many women start feeling unwanted and insecure and may feel like they have lost the of interest their man, sexually.

    Unfortunately, this can be a hit not just for one´s ego, but also emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It is extremely important in every marriage to keep that wanting and desire alive because it is simply irreplaceable. But at the same time, identifying the nature of the problem should be the very first step to bring about any challenge.

    The majority of men with low testosterone normally report that they still find their partners sexually desirable, but no longer have the drive to initiate any sexual engagements.

    Wondering, how you can address this challenge effectively? Supporting and communicating with each other can help your marriage, while the two of you overcome these issues. Also, here are some other tools that can help you survive this change in intimacy and get your sex life back on track:

    Build Understanding

    Both you and your partner need to have open communications and understand that this is no one’s fault. Questioning your self-worth or jumping to conclusions like “he has lost interest in me;” or “I am not that attractive anymore” will only make things worse. The best way to address any problem is to know the nature of the problem and understand what it means. Low testosterone is a physical issue rather than a psychological one. By no means is the decreased sex drive a reflection of your beauty or the strength of your marriage.

    Pay Attention to Your Physical Health

    A healthy lifestyle with a well-balanced diet and regular exercise goes a long way toward addressing many health challenges. Furthermore, herbal supplements like Tongkat Ali and Ginseng, which are scientifically proven to help boost sex drive and facilitate hormonal balance, can also help in maximizing the effects of your medical treatments.

    As a spouse, encourage your partner to maintain a healthy lifestyle and better yet, join them on this journey. After all, no man is an island, and all this effort is for both of you! Understanding that low testosterone and the subsequent decrease in sex drive is a physical aspect and knowing that there’s a solution would motivate him even more to overcome the issue.

    Practice Patience

    We all want a miracle solution to any and all problems we face. But magic is limited to the world of fiction and reality is not always pleasant. Remember, just like any other health challenge; hormonal imbalance will also take time to correct. Working at it persistently will surely bring you closer to the desired results.

    What is the Truth About Normal “T” Levels?

    Most men do not have a “normal” level of testosterone and yet they seem to be doing fine.

    As mentioned above, the normal range of testosterone is between 300 ng/dL and 1050 ng/dL. While it is a large range that is defined as normal, these levels continuously change due to diet, age, and lifestyle.

    Normally it takes a few months to a year to determine where your average actually falls.

    Read more about normal testosterone levels.

    Effective Ways to Naturally Boost Testosterone

    Testosterone is known as something essential to masculinity; it’s the hormone that is responsible for a muscular physique, aggression, and sex drive.

    The natural levels of testosterone peak around 30-35 years of age, and after this age, a slow decline starts. There are only some men who can maintain an optimum level of testosterone around the age of 40-60.

    Now if you are in this age range, the question is, how do you raise your testosterone naturally?

    Step Up Your Workout Routine

    Exercise can help men with low testosterone levels. Exercising elevates testosterone levels temporarily. Age, weight, exercise timing, and overall fitness level determine the efficacy of exercising and boosting “T” levels. For instance, exercising helps overweight men increase their testosterone levels by helping them shed extra pounds. [12].

    In general, all different types of exercise can help boost the production of the testosterone hormone. But high-intensity sweat sessions and weightlifting seem to have the highest effects on improving “T” levels. [13].

    However, exercise alone cannot help. A well-balanced diet is equally important in effectively coping with the issue.

    Food to Boost Your Testosterone Levels

    Testosterone is all about vitality. Men who are as young as 30 years old can show signs of low testosterone.

    You can boost your “T” levels through various natural ways, but along with those, you can also consider potential testosterone-boosting foods.

    • Oysters: They contain Zinc that helps you increase muscle growth, physical endurance, and your level of “T.”
    • Broccoli: By increasing the number of cruciferous vegetables in your diet, the body gets rid of estrogen thus increasing the testosterone.
    • Garlic: Garlic contains the chemical diallyl disulfide that stimulates the body to release hormones leading to a potential increase in testosterone production. [14]
    • Eggs and Tuna: These both are rich in Vitamin D content and are considered essential for optimal testosterone levels.
    • Honey: Honey contains mineral boron, is rich in nitric oxide, and is the key to open up blood vessels that cause erections. [15], [16]

    If you are looking for the best way to increase your testosterone levels, combine these food items with Tongkat Ali supplements.

    Get more food choices at the Top 10 Foods to Increase Testosterone.

    Intermittent Fasting

    Intermittent fasting is another natural way to help increase testosterone to high levels. It refers to refraining from calorie intake for a brief amount of time. The process uses a fasting window for calorific abstinence, followed by an eating window during which you can consume your daily calories.

    Wondering how this will help?

    Testosterone levels plummet after eating regardless of consuming fats, carbs, or proteins. As such, having multiple small meals throughout the day only leads to a further decrease in “T” levels with every meal. Intermittent fasting is also the easiest way to burn body fat, and weight loss again helps in balancing “T” levels. [17]

    Must Try Herbal Supplements For Low T Levels

    • Tongkat Ali: Tongkat Ali root extract is used extensively for its aphrodisiac properties. It has been known to decrease the production of prolactin, which leads to an increase in the testosterone levels. Herbolab’s concentrated Tongkat Ali supplement with just 3% Eurycomanone is the most promising supplement that effectively boosts testosterone levels in men. [18], [19]
    • Ashwagandha: This herbal remedy is a rare find. Unlike many other supposed herbal t-boosters, Ashwagandha has the scientific proof to back it up. In several studies, it was found to protect cells that help in the production of testosterone from oxidative damage. The result was a direct increase in testosterone levels. [20], [21]
    • Maca: Maca is an herbaceous plant that contains the compound p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate, which is known to have aphrodisiac and fertility-improving qualities. Regular consumption of Maca has been shown to enhance both sexual appetite and performance. [22] Herbolab offers a potent Maca supplement, which can interact with sex hormones and help regulate, support, and balance the hormonal system.
    • Korean Ginseng: Korean Ginseng is a plant that is associated with improving erectile dysfunction and increased alertness. [23], [24] The new fermented Korean Red Ginseng by Herbolab can be effective as a sexual enhancer. It contains the maximum ginsenoside concentration of 12%, which further adds to its potential efficacy.
    • Creatine: The Creatine supplementation does not increase the testosterone levels but is known to exert the effects by converting it into an active form.
    • Boron: Boron is a supplemental micronutrient that impacts the Vitamin D levels leading to an increase in free testosterone levels.
    • D-Aspartic Acid: It is a natural amino acid that increases both LH and FSH which results in enhancing the “T” levels.
    • Zinc: Known as an aphrodisiac, it is an essential mineral that is involved in many chemical processes of the body. The regular consumption of Zinc helps you to recover from high-intensity exercise and helps to boost testosterone levels. [25]
    • Vitamin D: It is a fat-soluble vitamin that functions as a steroid hormone, aiding in the boost of testosterone and improvement in sperm quality. [26]

    The top 4 supplements that include Ashwagandha, Maca, Korean Ginseng, and Tongkat Ali are being sold by Herbolab, and here is why they have the best of them:

    Herbolab Tongkat Ali: At Herbolab, our Tongkat Ali extract has been concentrated 200 times, which means that it takes 200 gms of Tongkat Ali for the finished product. It takes 4.8kg of Tongkat Ali to make one bottle of Herbolab’s final product. We have the highest standardized Tongkat Ali in the market as we make use of 3% eurycomanone content and the proprietary extraction technology.

    Our No. 1 Recommendation: Tongkat Ali

    Herbolab’s Tongkat Ali supplement can help improve your overall health and well-being. While it focuses on erectile dysfunction and sexual health, Tongkat Ali also contains chemical compounds that help boost your testosterone levels.

    Herbolab takes a scientific approach to extract the well-known benefits of Tongkat Ali. The powerful bioactive compounds and saponins are available in Tongkat Ali are effectively extracted for the supplements using cutting-edge extraction techniques. Therefore, the supplements are highly effective in dramatically aiding in increasing testosterone production and boosting libido.

    The Tongkat Ali supplement by Herbolab is one of the most effective supplements available in the market. It offers 3% eurycomanone content, which is impressively equivalent to 200 grams of raw Tongkat Ali extract. The supplement offers a concentration of 200 to 1 and helps boost testosterone levels naturally, without little or no side effects.

    Proven Benefits of Herbolab’s Tongkat Ali

    The main benefits of Tongkat Ali include:

    • An increase in male fertility: As this root extract help to boost testosterone levels; it is also known to help improve sperm quality, which thereby reduces male fertility issues.
    • Increased libido: Known for its aphrodisiac qualities, it also helps to deal with low levels of libido.
    • Helps in muscle gain and fat loss: Due to the increase in “T” levels that Tongkat Ali helps you achieve, it also helps you to gain muscle mass and lose the extra fat.

    The people who have been consistently consuming Herbolab’s Tongkat Ali were found to have stronger ejaculations, lasting erections, and high sex drive.

    Here are more non-sexual health benefits of Tongkat Ali

    Standardized Tongkat Ali Supplements

    When it comes to buying a Tongkat Ali supplement, the quality of the raw material and extraction process are the key determining factors of its potency. The extract ratios are in the form of 1:50, 1:100, and 1:200.

    Tongkat Ali by Herbolab has the highest extract ratio of 1:200. It also contains a component, namely, Eurycomanone that can easily be identified by a lab technique called HPLC.

    You can learn more about Standardized Tongkat Ali or buy any of our high-potency herbal supplements here.

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