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EXPIRATION SALE: Tongkat Ali & Korean Ginseng - Buy 1 Get 2 Free

    Is Tongkat Ali the Herbal Viagra?

    Is Tongkat Ali the Herbal Viagra?

    Tongkat ali has been traditionally known by many names. Some people referred to it as the “Asian Viagra” or “herbal Viagra”. Because of its ability to increase testosterone, Tongkat Ali is known as a supplement with sexual enhancement properties.

    In Southeast Asia, people are even ashamed to buy tongkat ali, thinking that it will uncover their erection issues. This misconception is rooted in its traditional usage. For generations, Tongkat Ali has been used to treat erectile dysfunction and similar problems, even though little was known at the time that Tongkat Ali has many other benefits for men.

    What Do You Need To Know About Tongkat Ali – The Natural Viagra?

    Tongkat Ali is not only famous because of its ability to help erection problems. In fact, if you search the internet for this unique plant, you will get loads of information about its numerous beneficial effects including – antifungal and antimicrobial effects, anti-cancer effects, ability to increase muscle mass, ability to reduce stress and anxiety, ability to lower the blood sugar and its antioxidant effects among the many others.

    Yes, Tongkat Ali really does have a lot to offer us, we just need to be willing to accept it and use it on a regular basis as instructed. But enough about that, let’s get back to talking about how you may use Tongkat Ali to manage your erection problems, shall we?

    If you ever thought that the herbal Viagra, Tongkat Ali, is anything like the pharmaceutical Viagra so you can fix your erection naturally instead of going to a doctor, I’m sorry to give you the bad news. Tongkat Ali and Viagra are fundamentally different. Viagra is a fast-acting medication that targets very specifically the blood vessels of the penis, while Tongkat Ali is a supplement that when taken regularly may increase your testosterone.

    Now, you are probably wondering “What’s in for me?” If you suffer from an erectile dysfunction problem, should you take Tongkat Ali or Viagra?

    Let me explain when is best to use each one, but first, you need to know the enemy.

    Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation

    A healthy sexual life is what any man and woman need. Whenever you are experiencing problems related to your sexual life, a certain dose of depression and dissatisfaction takes over your life, affecting it in every single way possible, even if you are unable to notice those changes right away. For men, there is an occurrence of two quite common sexual problems – erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

    If you did not know – erectile dysfunction is a sexual disorder that characterizes by the inability to achieve a healthy erection. On the other hand, premature ejaculation is the term used to refer to ejaculation that occurs only 1 minute after penetration during sexual intercourse. These two sexual problems have been and are affecting each and every single man around the world – the question is only at what point of their life and for how long.

    If you are wondering if that really true or how common are these problems really, let’s look at some recent statistical data, shall we?

    How Common Is Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction?

    Premature ejaculation, which is considered to be the most common sexual dysfunction among men of all ages, has been estimated to have a 30% of worldwide prevalence. [1] Among 20-30% of men worldwide have complained of premature ejaculation disorders at some point in their lives.

    Then we also have erectile dysfunction to think of. This common sexual disorder among men has been estimated to affect 5-20% of men worldwide. Also, statistical data shows that approximately 70% of men with erectile dysfunction problems have not received the appropriate treatment for their symptoms. [2]

    What Is Causing Your Erection Problems?

    Erectile dysfunction is a problem that is more complex than what you might think. Actually, any sexual disorder is more complex than you have originally thought. The biggest problem of them all is the root of the problem in the first place.

    In reality, erection problems can have many different causes, and even be confused with a lack of sex drive (if this affects you, check this article on natural aphrodisiacs for men). [3] To give you a few examples:

    • A perfectly healthy young guy may have erection problems because of psychological factors: performance anxiety is a very well-known cause for example. When the mind is worrying so much that produces excessive stress, your erection suffers. This is an erectile dysfunction problem that may resolve itself if not, you might need to check with a psychologist or sex therapist.
    • Many middle age men that cope with a lot of stress from their work may experience a lack of sex drive and as a result, they will find it very difficult to obtain an erection. It doesn’t mean that their erection doesn’t work, they are just not motivated enough to produce one. This is a typical example of a lack of sex drive mistaken for an erection problem.
    • Men who battle depression or anxiety can develop erection problems due to it, causing their libido and testosterone levels to drop and experiencing an inability to achieve a healthy erection and/or maintain the erection longer than 1 minute without ejaculating.
    • Men that take certain medications may experience erection problems as the side effect of taking their medication, these erection problems may be solved when changing the brand of their medicine.
    • Men that experience a loss of testosterone due to aging may have difficulties maintaining an erection because of a lack of sex drive or because sex is not as pleasant anymore.
    • Men with diabetes may experience a loss of sensitivity in their penis, which in turn makes sex not pleasant anymore, which in turn makes it hard to maintain an erection.

    Those are just a few examples of what can go wrong, but the point is that in order for you to have a rock-hard-lasting erection your mind and your body have to be very healthy. So if you have erection issues, the very first question is to ask yourself what is causing it.

    All these factors may contribute to erection issues (taken from Mayo Clinic):

    • Heart disease
    • Clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis)
    • High cholesterol
    • High blood pressure
    • Diabetes
    • Obesity
    • Metabolic syndrome is a condition involving increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, body fat around the waist, and high cholesterol
    • Parkinson’s disease
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Low testosterone
    • Peyronie’s disease, the development of scar tissue inside the penis
    • Certain prescription medications
    • Tobacco use
    • Alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse
    • Treatments for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate
    • Surgeries or injuries that affect the pelvic area or spinal cord
    • Depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions
    • Stress
    • Relationship problems due to stress, poor communication, or other concerns

    All of these problems and many more are commonly guilty for the occurrence of sexual disorders among men, especially when it comes to erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

    Stress, hormonal imbalances with low testosterone levels, and depression have been noted to cause these kinds of problems more commonly than others. Discovering the root of the problem is step number one in the treatment path of any sexual disorder among men. That way, by treating the cause itself you will be treating your sexual disorder as well and feel as if its symptoms are leaving your life.

    Common Causes of Erection Problems

    Here is a deeper look at some of the more common causes of erection problems.

    Heart Disease and Atherosclerosis

    An erection happens when the penis is filled with blood, therefore problems in the circulatory system can impede an erection. There are a few studies that show that normal levels of testosterone are optimal for cardiovascular function. Levels above or below the optimal range increase the risk of heart and vessel conditions like atherosclerosis. As men age, their testosterone levels also decrease, increasing the risk of cardiovascular conditions. By inducing the body to produce more testosterone naturally, Tongkat Ali may help you decrease the chance of having problems with the cardiovascular system, or even improve the situation of those who are already experiencing problems.


    A high percentage of men with diabetes experience problems with their erection. The causes of erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes are complex and involve impairments in nerve, blood vessel, and muscle function. Because many diabetic patients also suffer from heart complications, they are restricted in the use of common prescription medication to treat erectile dysfunction.


    If you are diabetic, Tongkat Ali might help your erection by increasing testosterone and therefore your cardiovascular function, but Tongkat Ali also can help you decrease the sugar level in your blood. Because of the latter, you should be more cautious when using this supplement, here is another article on the subject: How Tongkat Ali Helps Diabetes


    Clinical studies have found a clear link between obesity and sexual dysfunction. n fact, obesity is one of the confirmed major risk factors for developing sexual problems in men. [4]

    Obesity by itself may carry a lot of health problems such as elevated cholesterol levels, a higher risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease, stroke, heart attack, higher risk of diabetes, and lower testosterone. All these complications that esteem from being obese can affect a man’s erection. Tongkat Ali can increase testosterone levels, and this increase can help men lose weight, therefore lowering the risk of developing ED or improving the erection of those who are already experiencing problems due to their weight. If you combine the beneficial effects of Tongkat Ali with a healthy diet and regular exercise, well that is just a clear recipe for an effective weight loss if you ask me!

    Low Testosterone (Andropause)

    Andropause is triggered by the reduction in testosterone due to aging. It is also known as late-onset hypogonadism and androgen decline in the aging male. It may take place as early as 40, and 2 to 5 percent of men in this age group show signs. From 50 to 60 years of age, the numbers are more astonishing. It is estimated that between 8 and 40 percent of men in this age group have andropause.

    Since testosterone is a bodily hormone involved mainly in sexual function, numerous symptoms of andropause are sex-related. Men with low testosterone levels could experience not only problems with their erections but also a lack of interest in sex. Andropause has other symptoms like gaining weight, losing strength, low energy, and a general bad mood. However, these symptoms could easily come from stress and psychological factors, therefore, they are easily overlooked as being triggered by low testosterone in aging men.

    When the decline in testosterone is severe, there are effective treatments to increase the testosterone levels such as testosterone replacement therapy. However, these methods are accompanied by a multitude of unwanted side effects.

    If you are interested in increasing your testosterone levels naturally, Tongkat Ali has been shown to be among the most powerful natural testosterone booster.

    In fact, Tongkat Ali has been scientifically proven [5] to be able to increase testosterone levels naturally and with that to alleviate the aging symptoms among men. So if you are having trouble going through Andropause, perhaps you can consider trying Tongkat Ali and experiencing its beneficial effects.

    Prescription Medications

    Certain prescription medications can cause ED as a side effect, some examples are:

    • antidepressants
    • antihistamines
    • hypertension medicines
    • medications for Parkinson’s disease

    This area would be too big and complex to cover exhaustively. The thing is that unfortunately, it is not uncommon for patients to develop erection problems after they have started their treatment with a certain medication.

    The bottom line is Tongkat Ali may or may not help your erectile dysfunction depending on what medication it is. For example, anecdotal evidence suggests that many men can improve their sex lives despite taking antidepressants.

    However, in many other cases, Tongkat Ali may not be able to help at all. The best solution here would be to talk to your doctor about alternatives to your current medication that has a lower chance of developing ED. In some cases, you can find another drug to treat the same condition but with less impact on your erection. Of course, trying tongkat ali after the possible switch of medication would not be a bad idea as well. Once again, I encourage you to talk to your doctor about it.

    Psychological Problems

    Erectile dysfunction may occur due to psychological causes such as stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, or low self-esteem. But what you should know is that Erectile dysfunction and depression have a two-way relationship. [6] What I mean by that is the fact that there are far too many causes of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation caused by depression itself. However, there are also many cases in which depression has developed as a complication of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Either way, you should be happy to hear that once again Tongkat Ali is here to save the day!

    Tongkat ali has been shown to have a positive impact on stress and mood in healthy individuals. Hence, it could potentially benefit individuals that may be experiencing erection problems due to these mental factors. In fact, in research published in the Journal of International Society of Sports Nutrition, it was confirmed that Tongkat Ali is able to improve the stress hormone profile, but not only that – it was also confirmed being able to improve the libido, reduce fatigue, improve the well-being, and improve the mood as well. [7]

    However, if the psychological factor is strong and deeply routed tongkat ali may not have any effect at all, in those cases, it would be best to consult a specialist to treat these problems. If the root of the problem for you seems to be stress, then perhaps combining the beneficial effects of tongkat ali and some relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation, and even regular physical activity and a nutritious diet might be a good idea.

    Herbal Viagra Versus Real Viagra, Which One Should You Use?

    Identifying the cause of your erection is fundamental when deciding which one you should use. This is however not a question of which one, because you may use them both together. It is more important to understand when and how they should be used.

    Of course, this is a matter that you need to discuss with your doctor together. Your doctor’s professional opinion is highly important, and you should never proceed to use anything without your doctor’s approval, even when you are thinking of trying a supplement or a medication that you do not need a doctor’s prescription.

    Viagra pills may help you with many of the causes of ED listed above, but Tongkat Ali might only help in a few of those. I can’t tell you when you should or should not use Viagra because only your doctor can give you that information after reviewing your medical history and health issues.

    What I can tell you is in which of those causes tongkat ali may potentially have some benefits. Think of Viagra as something that gives you a “quick fix”, an erection when you really need it. While tongkat ali is more about building a foundation for your testosterone to increase and potentially get a better erection. All the causes above that could be alleviated by better testosterone levels are candidates for tongkat ali use.


    If you experience erection problems such as erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, do not lose all hope because even if it feels like it – you are not alone in this. In fact, there are many, many other men all around the world that suffer from those kinds of problems as well. And when I say many, I do mean a lot because we are talking about problems that affect every single man on the face of the Earth and it is just a matter of time.

    But you are in luck, because not only do you have the good old Viagra to lean on for support and help, but now, you have the opportunity to use what Mother Nature has to offer as well – Tongkat Ali, the natural Viagra. This special plant has more than enough power to increase your testosterone levels, reduce your stress, and improve your well-being and mood, among its other beneficial effects so that your erection problems go away as soon as possible. The question is – are you willing to try it? I sure hope that you will!

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    References   [ - ]


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    Talbott, S. M., Talbott, J. A., George, A., & Pugh, M., (2013) Effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects. The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 10: 28.

    doi:  10.1186/1550-2783-10-28